You may have read the Country Squire Magazine article focusing on our Executive Director, Jacob Lloyd. They refer to Jacob and the Animal Welfare Investigations Project as a ‘scammer’ and other unfounded allegations throughout the article.
The Country Squire Magazine is a propaganda website for pro-hunting communities. Its allegations against Jacob Lloyd or the Animal Welfare Investigations Project have no factual basis. It has taken out-of-context innuendos and spun them for its own benefit.
Who is Dominic Wightman of the Country Squire Magazine?
Dominic Wightman, the so-called editor of the unregulated blog, was previously sued by Mr. Chris Packham for defamatory comments. In May 2023, that case came before the High Court in London. The Judge found in favour of Mr Packham. The court awarded Chris Packham £90,000 in damages from Mr. Wightman and Mr. Bean.
Mr. Wightman is the Chair of Lazarus Corp. He works in the mining sector, allegedly causing environmental destruction throughout developing countries. He has run several companies throughout his time, many of which have failed. According to our sources, Mr. Wightman is infamous for leaving a trail of bad debts, is a serial shyster, and con artist. He has previously been bankrupt.
Who is Jamie Foster?
Jamie Foster, a solicitor and hunting advocate, has been appointed as the Chief Writer for the Country Squire Magazine. As a solicitor, Mr Foster has represented those who have been accused of animal cruelty and hunting.
He was also accused of making racist comments on Twitter. It is our understanding that he faced dismissal from his employer due to his comments on Twitter. Clearly, his conduct fell below the standards that were expected of him as a person in a position of trust.
Who is Andrew (Ben) O’Rourke?
Andrew (Ben) O’Rourke is the author of the article attacking Jacob Lloyd and AWIP. He is also a “journalist” (that term is used loosely) for the Fieldsports Channel, a pro-shooting media outlet that glorifies animal abuse.
In June 2022, Fieldsports Channel and one of its journalists, Ben O’Rourke, published an online video and article alleging the TV presenter had written a fake death threat letter to himself and lied about it being sent by an anonymous third party. The serious allegation was not put to Mr Packham directly to offer him right of reply. (Credit: Crowdjustice).
Conclusion: Why has Jacob Lloyd and AWIP been targeted by the Country Squire Magazine?
According to our research and anonymous sources, the authors and contributors of the Country Squire Magazine have allegedly been involved in fraudulent activities, disinformation campaigns, and supporting animal cruelty.
Their agenda appears to be to frustrate animal cruelty investigations, undermine our credibility, and spread disinformation.
Our question is: What do these animal abuse supporters have to hide, and why do they fear our work so much?