Company Information

Animal Welfare Investigations Project Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales with the registration number 13760374.

The company was founded on 23 November 2021. As amended by our articles of association on 10 May 2024, Animal Welfare Investigations Project is a not-for-profit company. It chooses not to be a charity. This is because being a charity could restrict the work that we do, including investigations and campaigning.

The registered office address is: Redwood House, Brotherswood Court, Almondsbury, Bristol, England, BS32 4QW.

Animal Welfare Investigations Project has registered with the Information Commissioners Office as a Data Controller.

Animal Welfare Investigations Project in the United States (AWIP US)

Animal Welfare Investigations Project US is a fiscally sponsored project of Fiscal Sponsorship Allies (EIN: 85-0839183).

The objectives of Animal Welfare Investigations Project US is to investigate organised animal cruelty in the United States and further afield.

Our Founder and Executive Director

The Executive Director of Animal Welfare Investigations Project is Jacob Lloyd. Jacob has experience in conducting covert investigations on organised animal cruelty.

Jacob is a Certified Animal Cruelty Investigator through the University of Missouri Law Enforcement Training Institute (LETI) in the United States. 

Annual Reports and Accounts

Accounts for year ending March 2023
