Report Animal Cruelty

Since 2021, we have been investigating organised animal cruelty.

Our focus includes all types of animal fighting, such as dog fighting and cockfighting, as well as wildlife crimes like badger baiting, fox hunting, and snaring. We also address the illegal puppy trade and related issues like ear cropping and tail docking.

From time to time, we may also investigate deliberate animal cruelty.

Like you, we are fully committed to ending animal cruelty.

What do we mean by deliberate animal cruelty?

Deliberate animal cruelty refers to the intentional infliction of harm or suffering upon an animal by a human. This can include actions such as physical abuse, torture, or consistently exposing the animal to stressful or harmful situations. The key aspect of deliberate animal cruelty is that it is purposeful and not accidental, indicating a clear intent to cause distress, pain, or injury to the animal.

Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we are unable to respond to animal neglect e.g. kept in a small cage all day, being left outside, etc. The RSPCA or your local authority may be able to assist you in these cases.

Report Animal Cruelty Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please provide as much information as to the location of the incident you are reporting, for example a full address including postcode. We also accept OS grid reference and What3Words for non-residential locations.
Please be as descriptive as possible. Include details about the animal(s) involved, where they are being kept, their environmental conditions, their health, and any other information.
You can maintain your safety and anonymity. However, sharing how you obtained this information will help our team evaluate its credibility, potentially allowing us to assist the animals more quickly.
What is the date and time of the incident?
Please let us know if you have informed anyone else (such as RSPCA, RSPB, League Against Cruel Sports, Naturewatch Foundation). If you have informed someone else, please provide a reference number. It is important to note that we may be unable to investigate your concern if you have informed someone else to avoid jeopardising an investigation.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
If your file exceeds 64mb, please email it to

About you

You do not have to provide your details. However, if you do, we may be able to help animals quicker.
Your name